Фансаб-группа Альянс представляет... русские субтитры к  dorama и  live-action

Фансаб-группа Альянс представляет... русские субтитры к dorama и live-action (http://alliance-fansub.ru/index.php)
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-   -   Йога Линь / Yoga Lin / 林宥嘉 (http://alliance-fansub.ru/showthread.php?t=23660)

Zolotko 28.06.2016 11:24

林宥嘉 Yoga Lin [ 壞與更壞 Worse comes to worst ] Official Music Video

It turned out realities and dreams aren't quite alike
how could there possibly be a rainbow when you're down
"Keep going" "Don't give up" I say them to myself everyday, but it just proves how useless they are
they aren't as strong as the chicken soup

so failing hundreds of times actually can't make the bad turns good
like a mom giving birth to "success"
who is lucky enough to choose whichever blissful pathway to return
they just usually go with "death" and "illness"

no matter how bad it gets, I stay positive
if I knew then that the worst could be worse
being happy while everything is awful
is the highest realm

forcing it or leaving you lead to loneliness anyway
picking one from the two are cruel either way
I knew it too well that meeting you, regretting would be the best ending I could get
it would be smarter of me to have chosen a slighter way to get hurt

no matter how bad it gets, I stay positive
If I knew then that the worst could be worse
being happy while everything is awful
is the highest realm

there are "bad" and "awful" left
please show your preference
if you don't, you would get whatever they give to you
learning from the failures while maintaining joyful
is the highest realm
stop wasting your time waiting for a new beautiful world

Trista Bear

Zolotko 06.07.2016 14:43

Мейкинг клипа

Zolotko 10.07.2016 00:24

Yoga Lin - 'Spoiled Innocence' (рус.саб)

Ансаб: Elf Freedu, Trista Bear
Перевод и оформление: Zolotko

Zolotko 13.07.2016 14:19

林宥嘉 Yoga Lin [ 一點點 Tiny Part of You ] Official Music Video


【一點點 Tiny Part of You】

或前或後 任何星球
I'm in the universe you can't see
some planet closer or further
a space with a far far gravitational force

你的山巔 你的湖泊
But I've always been beside you
your mountains and your lakes
the clouds are drifting in the air

你的每個瞬間 不想錯過
像是亦步亦趨 才算活過
I don't want to miss every moment of you
as if I have to follow your every step to feel alive

一點點 想像你的臉
一雙眼 看見了誰 變成了誰
一點點 失去你的臉
是因為 想成為誰 都不像誰
Tiny little bit, I picture your face in my mind
With this pair of eyes, who have I seen and become
Tiny little bit, I lost your face
because I want to become someone but I can't even look alike

who are you

反覆咀嚼 也是喜悅
I secretly fulfill myself with every piece of you
it's also a kind of joy to taste it over and over again
Happiness is this simple but already complete

不知道就 不算遺忘
I think I wouldn't wanna let you know
so not knowing doesn't mean you're forgetting
It's a wound I'm enjoying

有時遙不可及 才是追求
有時近在身邊 反而不懂
Sometimes things have to be unattainable to be pursued
because when it's by my side I wouldn't understand instead

一點點 想像你的臉
一雙眼 看見了誰 變成了誰
一點點 失去你的臉
是因為 想成為誰 都不像誰
Tiny little bit, I picture your face in my mind
With this pair of eyes, who have I seen and become
Tiny little bit, I lost your face
because I want to become someone but I can't even look alike

你是誰 學不會 忘記誰
Who are you?
I couldn't manage to forget whom?

一點點 想像你的臉
一雙眼 看見了誰 變成了誰
一點點 失去你的臉
是因為 想成為誰 都不像誰
想到誰 就是誰
Tiny little bit, I picture your face in my mind
With this pair of eyes, who have I seen and become
Tiny little bit, I lost your face
because I want to become someone but I can't even look alike
whoever I think of, it'd be whom then

Trista Bear

Zolotko 13.08.2016 00:32

林宥嘉 Yoga Lin [ 我已經敢想你 Courage to Remember You ] Official Music Video


NB: "Courage to Remember You" is the English title. The English translation of the Chinese title is "I already dare to think of you".

Lyrics: 陈信延 (Chen Xinyan)
Composition:丁世光 (Dean Ting)
Arrangement: 林宥嘉 (Yoga Lin), 丁世光 (Dean Ting), 许郁瑛 (Yuying Hsu), 徐梵 (Fan Hsu), 赖圣文 (Peter Lai), 长冈亮介 (Nagaoka Ryosuke (PETROLZ))
Production: 林宥嘉 (Yoga Lin), 陈建良 (Eric Chen)

Lyrics translation by renn at www.onehallyu.com

两个人的公园我独自散步 单纯在欣赏植物
耳机里的音乐只剩下音符 不再是感情遗嘱

liǎng gè rén de gōng yuán wǒ dú zì sàn bù / dān chún zài xīn shǎng zhí wù
ěr jī lǐ de yīn yuè zhǐ shèng xià yīn fú / bù zài shì gǎn qíng yí zhǔ

I stroll by myself [through] the park that [belonged to] the two [of us], purely appreciating the plants.
Only the notes remain of the music in [my] headphones, no longer the last testament of [our] love.

看不出 这条路 曾走到荒芜
摸不出 这条疤 曾血肉糢糊

kàn bù chū / zhè tiáo lù / céng zǒu dào huāng wú
mō bù chū / zhè tiáo bā / céng xuè ròu mó hu

One cannot tell by looking that this road had once led to barrenness.
One cannot tell by touching that this scar had once been mangled and bloody.

我已经 有勇气听到你消息
不害怕别人说 有你的话题
甚至 我已经 和回忆和平在一起
不刻骨不铭心 不强迫忘记

wǒ yǐ jīng / yǒu yǒng qì tīng dào nǐ xiāo xī
bù hài pà bié rén shuō / yǒu nǐ de huà tí
shèn zhì / wǒ yǐ jīng hé / huí yì hé píng zài yī qǐ
bù kè gǔ bù míng xīn / bù qiáng pò wàng jì
wǒ yǐ jīng gǎn xiǎng nǐ

I already have the courage to hear news about you,
No longer afraid of others having conversations in which you are the topic.
I even already peacefully coexist with the memories,
No [longer] carved into [my] bones or engraved upon [my] heart[1], not forcing [myself] to forget.
I already dare to think of you.

挑战在我露台悬挂你衣服 心情不准有起伏
找出过去幸福合照再目睹 训练自己变麻木

tiǎo zhàn zài wǒ lù tái xuán guà nǐ yī fú / xīn qíng bù zhǔn yǒu qǐ fú
zhǎo chū guò qù xìng fú hé zhào zài mù dǔ / xùn liàn zì jǐ biàn má mù

[I] challenge [myself] to hang up your clothes on my balcony, not allowing my mood to fluctuate.
[I] dig out past happy photos of [us] together to look at again, training myself to become numb.

要舒服 有时候 得选择屈服
要回顾 有时候 得换个角度

yào shū fú / yǒu shí hòu / děi xuǎn zé qū fú
yào huí gù / yǒu shí hòu / děi huàn gè jiǎo dù

If one wants to be comfortable, sometimes, one must choose to surrender.
If one wants to look back, sometimes, one must switch to another angle.

Repeat #

爱对了 爱错了 都变成经过
终于 学会了 敢去 想你了

ài duì le / ài cuò le / dōu biàn chéng jīng guò
zhōng yú / xué huì le / gǎn qù / xiǎng nǐ le

Being right in loving [a person], being wrong in loving [a person]—all of that has become the past.
Finally, [I've] learned [it]. [Now, I] dare to think of you.

Repeat #
(Repeat #)

[1] 刻骨铭心 (carved into bones, engraved upon heart) is an idiom describing something forever unforgettable.

Zolotko 13.08.2016 12:09

Шоу ShowbizLive с Йога Линь

И ранее не слышанная мной песенка оттуда

вырезанные ливки:

Zolotko 13.08.2016 12:18

Нашла еще ливку с Beautiful love

click 22.08.2016 17:17

капельку наслежу тут... ) Неожиданно встретилось.


В моих руках новый альбом.
#Первоклассный, богатый на чувства голос посреди безжизненности
#Спасибо, Йога
#“Don’t Forget You” покорила моё сердце
#Вы нечаянно открыли средь толпы эти тёмные и безнадёжные глаза

* “Don’t Forget You” (勿忘你) - песня из нового альбома Йоги Линя.

Zolotko 04.09.2016 17:13

Ленок, сама знаешь, любым следам рада, твоим так особенно!
Это он про вот эту песню


Yoga Lin (林宥嘉) - 勿忘你 | Don't Forget You

Lyrics: 施人誠, 黃偉文 (Derek Shih, Wyman Wong)
Composition: 林俊傑 (Terence Lam)
Arrangement: 柯遵毓, 張晁毓, 林俊傑 (Jack Ko, Zhang Chaoyu, Terence Lam)

Lyrics translation by Vanilla Cupcake ❤ at www.onehallyu.com

你 沒表情 經過那個襤褸身影
腳步卻 微微遲疑
人群中 你錯開那雙黯淡無望的眼睛

You without expression, passed by that haggard shadow
Footsteps still slightly hesitant
Among the crowd, you missed that bleak and hopeless gaze
Suddenly fed up with the falling rain

你 滑過了 最新意外新聞標題
想追劇 卻覺得膩
每當你 為自己過得不算太壞而慶幸

You glided past the latest accident news headline
Wanted to binge-watch TV drama, but felt tired of [it]
Every time, when you felt blessed and joyful when realizing that your life is not too bad
However, [it] still always transmits back an echo

它說勿忘你 勿忘你
曾經那個你 未曾遠離

It says don’t forget you, don’t forget you
Used to embrace good intentions towards the world
Used to be that you, never far away
Right in your chest pocket

已 武裝好 練就百毒不侵的你
怎麼還 會不忍心
一看到 小時候照片那麼天真的曾經

Already fully equipped, the you who has practiced enough to be indestructible
How come still have the heart and sentiment
Every time when coming across the naïve past in childhood photos
Would still always hear that sound

它說勿忘你 勿忘你
童年那個你 在提醒你

It sayd don’t forget you, don’t forget you
Still generously share beloved toys
The you from childhood, is reminding you
The promise to rescue the world

請你勿忘你 勿忘你
那溫熱的你 並未放棄

Please don’t forget you, don’t forget you
Sacrificing love yet never hesitated
The gentle and warming you, still not giving up
Every time you call, [there will be] a response
Wishing you never forget you in this lifetime

Zolotko 04.09.2016 17:15

Принесу видео с фотосессий


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