Ôàíñàá-ãðóïïà Àëüÿíñ ïðåäñòàâëÿåò... ðóññêèå ñóáòèòðû ê dorama è live-action - Ïîêàçàòü ñîîáùåíèå îòäåëüíî - Êèì Õ¸í ×æóí / Kim Hyun Joong (Gim Hyeon Jung)
Ïîêàçàòü ñîîáùåíèå îòäåëüíî
Ñòàðûé 15.02.2012, 22:02   #510
Àâàòàð äëÿ çàâèSSèìàÿ
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 03.01.2012
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òåêñò øîó:

Yoon Do Hyun – (DH) – First, let’s introduce our guest who has turned the stage into a beautiful one.
(Lyn) – (L)
DH - Lyn!
L – Hello everybody.
DH – Sexy charisma, Kim Hyun Joon.
(Kim Hyun Joong) – (HJ)
HJ – Hello, I’m Kim Hyun Joong. Nice to meet you.
DH – Looks really handsome.
Also, someone who’s able to awe the MC.
A guitarist who frequents the Hongdae area.
Heo Joon!
(Heo Joon) – (HJg)
HJg – Hello everyone.
DH – Kim Hyun Joong-ssi is really a widely known sculpture pretty guy.
Hat do you think of Heo Joon’s looks and fashion?
HJ – He looks like he’s very suitable to drink makgeolli (Korean rice wine).
DH - Makgeolli..
In other words, it means he’s a drunkard.
How dos everyone feel about being able to see Kim Hyun Joong personally, being up close?
Now, I’m looking from up close..
Looking from up close, I really feel like touching him.
Touch him?
You think you allow me to touch, I won’t touch?
I’m sorry, Kim Hyun Joong-ssi.
Then, what kind of songs does Kim Hyun Joong usually sing?
HJ – If I go for karaoke..
I belong to the type who doesn’t sing much, just listen.
If I were given songs to sing, I’m the type who drinks instead.
DH – You look like the kind who really likes to drink alcohol.
HJ – Rather than saying I like it.. Just after drinking, I’ll feel like “Today I won’t drink anymore..”
But I still and up drinking.
Don’t know how many years I’ve said that already.
DH - Kim Hyun Joong-ssi?
HJ – Ah yes, I..
I have songs that I wish to sing, in the beginning (of karaoke session).
I sang a few ballads.
DH – Ah, just sing a little gently.
HJ – Yes, still in a sober state.
DH – In a sober state. What song did you sing in a sober state?
HJ – The song is called “Da Julkkeoya” (All for You).
DH – Ahh.. “Da Julkkeoya” (All for You)?
Can we listen to it a little?
HJ – Ah, okay.
(¹39 “All for You ” Jo gyu Man)
HJ ~ All for you. All the love in my heart ~
DH – Maybe because still in a sober state, the singing is really bright.
HJ – Yes, ah..
For the song sung 5 minutes before the end (of the karaoke session)..
DH - 5 minutes before the end?
The position at this time, ought to be standing unsteadily. HJ – Yes.
HJ – This, it’s like this.
DH – The position is already not upright.
HJ – When singing this song, the pronunciation isn’t accurate.
(¹5 “Unconditional” Park Sang Chul)
~ The love I have for you is unconditional, unconditional ~
~ The love I have for you is a special quality kind of love ~
~ That is across the Pacific Ocean ~
(Kim Hyun Joong! Kim Hyun Joong!)
L – How could you do it so well?
DH - Kim Hyun Joong-ssi, really thank you very much..
L – Really..
DH – Today, after the activity for MUST ended, has it finished?
HJ – Ah.. Still left with a period of the next 2 weeks in Korea.
DH – Today, the song that Kim Hyun Joong-ssi has prepared, please introduce it a little yourself.
HJ – Yes.. Lee Juk Sunbae-nim’s “Dahaengida” (I’m Fortunate).
When I was little, I like Lee Juk Sunbae-nim very much.
The first song I used to practice my guitar with was his song, Lee Juk Sunbae-nim’s “Gidarida” (Waiting).
*note: “Gidarida” (Waiting) is the song Yoon Ji Hoo sang with his guitar in BOF ep.15 during the Macau trip*
And because the lyrics are very good, so I will sing this song whenever I go for karaoke.
DH – Wow, really looking forward to it.
“Dahaengida” (I’m Fortunate).
Let’s prepare at the stage, the other 2 guests may also follow.
HJ – It feels like there are a few lyrics that are profound and will strike a chord within us.
“Being able to look at each other while breathing together, eating together”..
Putting together lyrics which seems to be easily forgotten, but the lyrics are written elegantly..
It feels really amazing.
It’s a song I love to sing at karaoke.
I’ve always been singing it in the karaoke room, but sing in front of my fans all of a sudden..
Feel very nervous as it’s my first time singing this.
I’ll take away the playful spirit during the karaoke, and seriously pass on the meaning of the lyrics to all the fans.
I’ll work hand to sing it sincerely for all of my fans.
(¹8 The ‘absolute’ song you what to sing when holding a mic)
(Dahaengida (I’m Fortunate) Kim Hyun Joong / Original song Lee Juk / Arrangement by Heo Joon)
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
(Gitar Heo Joon / Piano Park Ji Yoon / Contrabass Lee Pil Won / Violin Son Soo Kyeong / Drum Lee Do Heon)
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
HJ – Thank you.
(Kim Hyun Joong’s Dahaengida (I’m Fortunate) Lee Juk
Released in year 2007. A song included in his 3rd album
A song on love in life, meant to sincerely thank for the support in time of fatigue
¹1 men’s proposal song during karaoke)

DH - Kim Hyun Joong-ssi, after singing how are you feeling now?
HJ – Because I’m dance type of singer, the feeling is unfamiliar.
But it’s still not bad. It feels really good.
Thank you everyone.
DH – Because it’s stage that is rarely see, therefore feel really good.
L - Kim Hyun Joong-ssi also performed very well.
Yes really.. It’s an exceptional breakthrough in terms of the influence on music.
DH – Maybe one day, you might also a rock band.
L – Looks like it’s very suitable.
DH – Did you have such an ideal before?
HJ – the times when I’m still able to dance..
As long as my arms and legs are still able to move.
DH – Yes, these are the times when the joints are in a better condition.
HJ – When the bones and joints have become no good..
I will work hand towards preparing such stage and seeing everyone.
( Kim Hyun Joong)
~~~ ~~~ ~~~

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