Китайский квартал / Chinatown (Корея, 2015 год, фильм) - Фансаб-группа Альянс представляет... русские субтитры к dorama и live-action
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Старый 01.04.2015, 14:36   #1
Аватар для Szaffi
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Южная Корея Китайский квартал / Chinatown (Корея, 2015 год, фильм)

Название: Китайский квартал / Chinatown / 차이나타운
Страна: Южная Корея
Жанр: криминал, драма
Премьера: 30 апреля 2015

В ролях:
Ким Хе Су
Ким Го Ын
Ли Су Гён
Го Кён Пё
Ом Тхэ Гу
Пак Бо Гым
Ли Мин Джи

Ил Ён никогда не видела свою родную мать. Сразу после рождения ребенка бросили на станции метро в шкафчике для хранения. Девочку воспитала Мама - босс одной криминальной группировки, которая подмяла под себя практически весь Китайский квартал.
Ил Ён повзрослела и теперь исполняет все приказы, которые отдает ей Мама. © Sakino Naoki

Последний раз редактировалось Jenetschka; 08.06.2015 в 21:45
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5 пользователя(ей) сказали cпасибо:
Mari (11.04.2015), Ленка (01.07.2018)
Старый 01.04.2015, 18:44   #2
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Старый 06.04.2015, 14:41   #3
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Скорей всего будет очень сильная вещь. От одного трейлера мурашки по коже.
Ещё один подлинней нашёлся

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Старый 10.04.2015, 08:52   #4
Аватар для Jenetschka
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Еще один трейлер к фильму. Премьеру назначили на 29 апреля.

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Старый 11.04.2015, 00:53   #5
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немного о фильме на инглише:
Spot] ‘Chinatown’ Go Kyung-pyo, Park Bo-gum, Um Tae-gu to take over Chungmuro

The production briefing for film ‘Chinatown’ was held at Apgujung CGV theater in Shin-sa dong, Gang-nam gu, Seoul on March 24. The cast Kim Hye-soo, Kim Go-eun, Um Tae-goo, Park Bo-gum, Go Kyung-pyo and director Han Joon-hee attended the event.

‘Chinatown’ is a crime drama that will depict a story of a struggle for existence by a mother and her children she adopted, who all live in Chinatown where only the needed survive.

Um Tae-gu was cast as Woo-gon, Mom(Kim Hye-soo)’s right-hand man, who has a crush on Il-young secretively. “I had myself tanned for this role. My lines aren’t that much, so I instead treid to focus on expressing anger, darkness and aggressiveness in my eyes,” said Um Tae-gu. “Every object near him becomes a weapon for him. When he is to threaten someone, he even uses hot oil heated on a skillet,” he explained about his frightening role.

On the other hand, Go Kyung-pyo was cast as ‘Chi-do’, a vicious man. “Even though h he has been raised by Mom and lives as her son, he threatens her and goes wild. He is a man who wants to get recognized by others, including his mother,” Go explained about ‘Chi-do’.

To the question asking what made him choose this film, he said, “Director Han suggested that this film would be good for making a change. Chi-do is a keen and fierce man with a little bit of softness inside. I know it may sound ironical, but he is like a snake-quite and calm on the outside, but hiding its venom inside. That’s Chi-do,” he went on.

He revealed an episode with Kim Go-eun during an action scene.

Kim Go-eun started talking. “There was a scene where I had to get hit by Chi-do really, I mean, really really hard. It was so painful that tears filled my eyes. I expressed pain and w agreed on just putting up his arm over my face as a gesture of a threat,” she said.

“I was so absorbed into my role and wanted to hit her really hard. I know it was painful for her, but I was into the scene so much. I felt so sorry for her later. And guess what? The director liked the take where I hit her hardest,” said Go Kyung-pyo.

Park Bo-gum was cast as the role of ‘Park Seok-hyun’, a chef at an Italian restaurant who moves Il-young’s heart. “Seol-hyun faces a lot of changes as he meets Il-young. Also, he gets tied up in knots due to being heavily in his father’s debt.

“He is nearly the only warm character in this film. That is why it was difficult to cope with the other cast regarding managing emotions. However, Kim Hye-soo sunbaenim(senior) gave me a lot of useful advice on acting,” said Park Bo-gum.

Director Han Joon-hee revealed his making decisions on casting. “Regarding the two female roles, I thought the Mother role should be given to a reigning actress of the day. For Il-young, to an actress to reign the next day. They were just roles for Kim Hye-soo and Kim Go-eun, no one else,” he said.

“For the male roles, I did not think that I was taking any kind of risk. They were just good actors with proven experiences and careers. I liked Um Tae-gu’s wild looks and bold acting style. Regarding Go Kyung-pyo, I really found his ironical eyes attractive; they look so smart, yet vicious. Finally, I liked Park Bo-gum’s sensitivity,” his answer drew expectations for the upcoming movie.
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Старый 28.04.2015, 07:24   #6
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