Ким Хён Чжун / Kim Hyun Joong (Gim Hyeon Jung) - Страница 342 - Фансаб-группа Альянс представляет... русские субтитры к dorama и live-action
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Старый 22.08.2009, 08:27   #1
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Южная Корея Ким Хён Чжун / Kim Hyun Joong (Gim Hyeon Jung)

Ким Хён Чжун / Kim Hyun Joong (Gim Hyeon Jung)

Имя: Hangul 김현중, Hanja 金賢重
Дата рождения: 06 июня 1986
Место рождения: Сеул, Южная Корея
Профессия: Актёр, певец
Рост: 181 см
Группа крови: В (III группа)
Семья: родители, старший брат
Знак зодиака: Близнецы
Образование: техническая старшая школа Hanyan; университет Kyonggi,
колледж искусств (специальность - Electronic Digital Music);
с февраля 2011 – университет ЧхонУн (специальность – менеджмент и организация концертов)
Инструменты: Гитара, пианино
Агентство: с 2005 по 2010 - DSP Entertainment
с 2010 - KeyEast Entertainment, в Японии - Universal Music Japan
Группа: участник группы SS501


Девиз: "Живёшь лишь один раз"

Прозвища: Щеночек (потому что похож), 4D-Лидер (4D=4 dimensional, то есть человек не от мира сего). А за большие глаза его сравнивают с коровой :) В последнее время cкромно подписывается в посланиях к фанатам как Бог Галактики (с мая 2011 также имеет официальный аватар-подпись - U:zoosin)

Хобби: игра на гитаре (а также их коллекционирование), фортепиано, танцы, манхва и манга, футбол (регулярно играет за команду FC Mеn под номером 9), рыбалка, дайвинг
Таланты: гитара, фортепиано, танцы. Утверждает, что может сыграть "Собачий вальс" на фортепиано быстрее всех в Корее =) В школьные годы имел статус "математического гения"

Ким Хён Чжун глазами SS501:
- Особенное 4-D мышление (нормальные люди не сразу понимают, что он говорит)
- Смелый, но осторожный
- Сдержанный, обычно безэмоциональный
- Очень компетентный лидер

Лидер корейской поп группы SS501
Участвовал в теле-шоу "We Got Married" 11 мая 2008 совместно с Хван Бо, которая на 6 лет его старше. Они достигли высокой популярности, как теле-молодожёны. Участвовал в корейской версии Boys Over Flowers/Hana Yori Dango в роли одного из членов F4. Хён Чжун и Хван Бо выиграли MBC's Best Couple Award. Они ушли с проекта , "We Got Married" 14 декабря 2008 из-за конфликта (ссоры) выхода сериала Boys Over Flowers .
В сериале "Boys Over Flowers" Чжун играет Юн Чжи (Ханазава Руи, в Хане Ёри Данго). Сериал получил огромный успех.
В 2010 году Хён Чжун исполнил саундтрек к Озорному поцелую "One More Time"(OST),
а также спел на церемонии открытия Азиатских Игр 2010 в Гуанчжоу.

Любопытные факты:

- По характеру резковат и говорит всё напрямую, также иногда ведёт себя немного странно, будто находится где-то в своём мире (у нас про таких говорят «ёжик в тумане», «себе на уме» и «А Вы не сильно ушиблись, когда упали с Луны?»).
- Фанаты давно прозвали его "Ходячей скульптурой" (за безупречные внешние данные) и Killer Smile.
- Настоящий трудоголик – в работе не щадит ни себя, ни других (из-за чего нередко оказывается на больничной койке от переутомления).
- Хён Чжун – король сна: может заснуть когда и где угодно. Но вот чтобы его разбудить, нужно приложить немало усилий (доказательство см. в ТВ-шоу Thanks for Waking Me Up)
- В сентябре 2009 г. у него был диагностирован вирус H1N1. Он стал первой корейской звездой, заболевшей свиным гриппом (на что сам сказал: "Что значит, я был первым? Мы же не в космос летали!" :))
- Его вполне можно назвать технофобом: не любит сложные девайсы, в мобильном использует простейшие функции. Единственный из SS501 не пользуется твиттером. Правда, не так давно на радость китайским фанам завёл аккаунт на вейбо.
- Панически боится насекомых и акул, зато совершенно не боится темноты и всего потустороннего. Верит в НЛО и утверждает, что не раз видел призраков (парочка даже жила с ними в одном общежитии).
- Любит выпить в хорошей компании. Из алкоголя предпочитает сочжу (корейский аналог водки), может выпить 3-4 бутылки за раз.
- Дружит со своим боссом – Пэ Ён Чжуном, главой KeyEast, даже прозван СМИ "маленьким Пэ Ён Чжуном".
- Ким Хён Чжун был приглашен на открытие 16х Азиатских игр в Гуанчжоу как представитель Южной Кореи и спел песню «Sunshine Again» с еще 3 другими певцами.
- Мечта всей его жизни – стать знаменитостью всепланетного масштаба и однажды устроить бесплатный концерт для поклонников со всего мира.
- Счастливый «папочка» двух шебутных щенят - Арт и Матика, названных в честь его бессменной подтанцовки - команды Artmatic.
- Сотрудничал с легендами японского рока - дуэтом B’z - написавшими для него песню HEAT из одноимённого сингла. Сингл, к слову, добился золотого статуса в чарте Орикон уже в день релиза, а также установил рекорд по общему числу продаж, сделав Хён Чжуна самым кассовым корейским артистом в Японии за первую половину 2012-го года.
- Был вынужден покинуть съёмочную площадку City Conquest в связи с заморозкой проекта по ряду причин.
- В данный момент занят съёмками в телешоу Barefoot Friends, концертной деятельностью и подготовкой к съёмкам в новой дораме.
Мнение специалиста по поводу пластики:

Анализируя его детские фотографии и учитывая изменения пубертатного возраста, юношества, даже не зная его биографии, а только ориентируясь по снимкам могу заявить: ринопластика имела место быть единожды. Блефаробластика сделана не была. У данного артиста двойное веко врожденное. Хейлопластики тоже не было.

Блефаропластика - это операция на веках. Опущу медицинские термины постараюсь объяснить на пальцах. То что не было коррекции разреза глаз и так называемого формирования двойного верхнего века. При данном виде операции надрез проводится по предполагаемой переходной кожной складке верхнего века и с обязательным удалением эпикантуса - монголоидной складки у внутреннего уголка глаза прикрывающего слезный канал. Данная складка имеет место быть у Ким Хен Джунга. Так что вопрос блефаропластики на этом можно считать закрытым.

Хейлопластика - коррекция формы губ. Есть два основных вида хейлопластики: контурная и хирургическая (эстетическая и реконструктивная). Контурная хейлопластика направлена на коррекцию формы, размера и объема губ, а хирургическая позволяет полностью изменить их внешний вид, а также устранить врожденные или приобретенные дефекты.Для коррекции контура, формы губ используется хирургическое иссечение узкой полоски кожи с целью увеличения красной каймы. Для увеличения объема губ используются наполнители, например, препараты для контурной пластики или собственная жировая ткань. Этот метод применяется для изменения объема и формы губ, устранения асимметрии губ, мелких возрастных морщинок на верхней губе. И контурная, и хирургическая хейлопластика улучшают эстетическую привлекательность губ и сокращают расстояние между носом и верхней губой, однако, если внимательно посмотреть на фотографии разных лет, это расстояние и форма губ у Ким Хен Джуна осталась неизменна. К вопросу о возможный инъекциях гиалуроновой кислоты, коллагена (он сейчас практически не применяется), а так же собственной жировой ткани, то как правило в этих случаях красная кайма губ теряет свою очерченность, поэтому приходиться прибегать к дополнительному татуажу, в данном случае этого нет. Так что вопрос о хейлопластике тоже снят.


П.С. Маленькое уточнение - ринопластику Лидер делал ещё до дебюта, вследствие серьёзной травмы лица. Так что характер она носила скорее медицинский, чем косметический. Засим вопрос закрыт раз и навсегда. Надеемся на ваше понимание)


2018 - Когда время остановилось / That Time When Time Stops
2013 - Эпоха страстей / Age of Feeling
2011 - Окрылённые мечтой (cameo) / Dream High
2010 - Озорной поцелуй / Mischievous Kiss
2008 - Цветочки после ягодок / Boys Before Flowers
2008 - Spotlight (cameo)
2007 - Hotelier (ep 7)
2005 - Can Love Be Refilled?
2005 - Nonstop 5 (ep 208)


2013 - Okinawa Music Festival 2013: Creator’s Factory Best Actor Award
2012 - Yahoo! Asia Buzz Awards 2012: Самый популярный артист десятилетия
2012 - Yahoo! Asia Buzz Awards 2012: Лучший артист Азии
2012 - Yahoo! Asia Buzz Awards 2012: Лучший артист Тайвани
2012 - Yahoo! Asia Buzz Awards 2012: Лучший артист Гонконга
2012 - Miguhui Awards: Most Popular Overseas Artist
2012 - Tower Records' K-Pop Lovers! Awards: Single Daesang (гран-при за сингл Heat)
2011 - Yahoo Buzz Awards: Лучший артист Азии
2011 - Yahoo Buzz Awards: Лучший артист Кореи
2011 - Yahoo Buzz Awards: Лучший артист Гонконга
2011 - Yahoo Buzz Awards: Лучший артист Тайвани
2011 - Style Icon Awards: Самая популярная знаменитость (мужчины)
2011 - Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA): Лучший сольный артист (мужчины)
2011 - Music Bank K-Chart (трижды - 17 и 24 июня, а также 21 октября 2011)
2011 - Mnet “M! Countdown” (дважды - 16 и 23 июня 2011)
2010 - MBC Drama Awards: Popular Actor Award (Mischievous Kiss)
2010 - Азиатская Самая Заметная и Популярная Звезда (Asia’s Top Buzz Male Popular Artist)
2010 - Самая Заметная Звезда Гонконга
2010 - Самая Заметная Звезда Тайвани
2010 - Получил награду в Японии в номинации «Лучше всего одетый мужчина».
2010 - 4th MNet 20′s choice Most Influential Star award
2009 - Yahoo Buzz Award 2009 : Asia’s Top Male Artist
2009 - Yahoo Buzz Award 2009 : Netizens’ Chosen Top Male Artist
2009 - Yahoo Buzz Award 2009 : Top Buzz Korean Male Artist
2009 - Style Icon Awards 2009 : Most Popular Male Icon
2009 - награда Baeksang Arts Awards - Самый Популярный Актёр «Цветочки После Ягодок»
2008 - Лучшая пара канала MBC "Мы поженились" совместно с Хван Бо

Участие в видео клипах и озвучка:
Участие в написании песен:

2013 - KkiyaKkaKa (There’s No Kim Hyun Joong) (Barefoot Friends OST)
2011 - Marry Me / Marry You (сингл Marry Me / Marry You)
Участие в ТВ- и радио-шоу:

Участие в ТВ-шоу:
2013 - Cool Kiz On The Block (эп. 21-22) (KBS2)
2013 - Incarnation (эп. 24) (SBS)
2013 - Barefoot Friends (SBS)
2012 - Happy Camp (Hunan TV, China)
2012 - K-pop Star Captivating The World (MBC)
2011 - Beatles Code (Mnet)
2011 - Strong Heart King of the Kings (эп. 82-83) (SBS)
2011 - Night After Night (SBS)
2011 - Entertainment Weekly (KBS)
2011 - Knee-Drop Guru (MBC)
2011 - Running Man / Беглецы (MBC, 46-47 эп.)
2009 - Family Outing / Семейный Отдых (эп. 64-65)
2009 - Korea Ecosystem Rescue Centre: Hunters Variety Show (MBC)
2008 - We Got Married / Молодожены (эп. 9-38)

2006 - SBS SS501’s Youngstreet


2013 - Мини-альбом Round 3
2013 - Сингл Unbreakable
2013 - Сингл The Reason I Live
2013 - Японский сингл Tonight
2012 - Японский альбом Unlimited
2012 - Японский сингл HEAT
2012 - 그대도 나와 같다면 (If You’re Like Me)(Wedding Scheme OST)
2012 - Японский сингл Kiss Kiss / Lucky Guy
2011 - Сингл Marry Me / Marry You
2011 - Love (кавер)
2011 - Мини-альбом Lucky
2011 - Мини-альбом Break Down
2010 - One More Time (Mischievous Kiss OST)
2010 - Hohoemi No Chikara / Power Of Smile (Smile Рroject)
2009 - Please Be Nice To Me (альбом Solo Collection)
2009 - 행복이란 / Thing Called Happiness (Boys Over Flowers)
2009 - 내 머리가 나빠서 / Because I'm Stupid Acoustic version (Boys Before Flowers ОСТ)
2008 - Сингл 고맙다 / Thank You
2007 - Rise Up (альбом Kokoro)
Полезные ссылки:

Клипы с русскими субтитрами:
По мотивам SS501...

Последний раз редактировалось Jenetschka; 12.05.2015 в 13:01
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Старый 07.04.2014, 00:27   #3411
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Пояснение из твита: 1 класс службы предполагает службу 3 года, как правило это военно-морской флот. Для поступления туда необходимо пройти ряд строгих тестов, чтобы подтвердить пригодность.
Корейский флот - это не 3 года, это 26 месяцев, вместо стандартных 24-х или 22-х Я помню, справлялась, ещё когда Кю провожать собирались... Не пугайте ж так, блин
Что, правда флот? Эхехе, господа фетишистки, что думаете?
За время службы хочет пересмотреть свое положение, т.к. артиста не имеет стабильной карьеры.
Робкая надежда, что за 2 года о нём забудут, и можно будет жить нормально? Наивный мальчик
как Хен Чжун полагает, Эпоха, это последняя дорама, где он мог играть двадцатилетнего.
Сказал человек, только что спокойно отыгравший 18- и 23-летнего пацана
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Старый 07.04.2014, 11:56   #3412
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За пару дней, что прошли после окончания съемок дорамы и до его отъезда на отдых Рафаэля успел надавать столько интервью сегодня медиа просто завалены фото и статьями. Народ не знает за что хвататься и что переводить.
Парочка статей сразу на английском

[Article] Kim Hyun Joong discusses his buddies Yoochun & T.O.P's acting:

Kim Hyun Joong talked about his friends Yoochun and T.O.P!

Kim Hyun Joong had an interview with TV Daily after his drama 'Generation of Youth' ended on a high note. In the interview, he was asked, "Do you often talk with idol singers who are also active as actors?"

He answered, "I think the cases of idol members to actors that succeeded well are Yoochun and [T.O.P]. When I called [T.O.P], he said he was working hard on filming the movie 'Tazza'. I only hear Yoochun from rumors, but they say he really focuses on his work."

He continued, "He's not just pretending. He tries to melt into the role and communicate with the director. Yoochun is normally a very warm person. People who are good at acting need good emotions, and Yoochun is like that. If you see people who don't succeed, they think, 'Since he can do it, I can do it too', but they only say the lines without emotion. On that, Yoochun and [T.O.P] are on another level."
Credit: allkpop.com
[Article] Kim Hyun Joong denies that he is dating After School's UEE:

Kim Hyun Joong talked about the rumors of him dating After School's UEE!

Back when both of them were starring on 'Barefoot Friends', a rumor had spread that the duo were actually dating. According to rumors, Kim Hyun Joong had introduced UEE to his friends as his girlfriend. Even though the rumors quieted after the show ended, it still pops up from time to time.

In an interview he had with Star Today, he was asked about the rumors. He answered, "It's not true at all. To be honest, I trusted these rumors out of instinct. But now that I became one of the subjects, I realized they're not believable. I heard through the rumors that I was dating UEE, and we laughed together when we saw it. After that, the staff kept teasing us, so I jokingly said 'she's my girlfriend', and that became the fuel for another round of rumors. It's a scary world."

He added, "We were all close during the filming, but I don't think I could ever be dating UEE like the rumors suggest."

Credit: allkpop.com
Kim Hyun Joong Discusses His Plans Before Enlisting Next Year:

Idol actor Kim Hyun Joong recently sat down for an interview with “Star Today ”and talked about his plans leading up to the date of his army enlistment.

He said, “I have plans to enlist in the army next year. Before I officially enlist, I’d like to tackle one more movie or drama if possible. After wrapping up my most recent drama, I just want to be able to blaze through everything and do as much as I can. As though my days were numbered. I think to myself, ‘After today passes, tomorrow will come’ and set out to do everything with great passion. People around me tell me that I should take a break since I have been able to complete many good projects. They told me to look after my body while I still have a good image. But, even if I get criticized, I’d rather just push forward and instead of looking after my image, I’d prefer gaining a ton of experience so I can grow my talents. If I fail, then I fail, and if I succeed, then I succeed.”

He also added, “My personality is actually similar to how water ebbs and flows, but after I became a celebrity, I think all of that changed.”
Credit: soompi.com
Kim Hyun Joong’s take on Kim Soo Hyun’s role in ‘My Love from The Star’:

In recent interviews, Kim Hyun Joong was asked if he would want to act as Do Min Jun in ‘My Love from The Star’. To this, Kim Hyun Joong shared his thoughts, he expressed that he will not take part even if he was offered the part.

What’s the reason for this? Kim Hyun Joong explained that he doesn’t like Sci-Fi concepts and could not understand Do Min Jun’s superpowers such as teleport and time freezing in the drama. He also said “Kim Soo Hyun is a very professional actor, thus was able to interpret Do Min Jun’s character well. If I were to act as Do Min Jun, I will not be able to interpret as well as Kim Soo Hyun did”.

When asked further about if he still wants to take up a flower boy role, Kim Hyun Joong answered that he is very realistic, if he gets an offer on a flower boy role, he would first ask himself whether he can interpret such a role well. Kim Hyun Joong expressed that he will not act the part if he’s not prepared, he also worked very hard and tried his best for Shin Jung Tae’s character in ‘Inspiring Generation’.

Source : StarHallyu
Photo Credit : TVDaily

Последний раз редактировалось Jenetschka; 31.07.2014 в 03:21
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Старый 07.04.2014, 12:49   #3413
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Готовы к убойной дозе Рафаэля? Некоторые фото могут повторятся, т.к. идут в разных изданиях.

[Media Photo] Kim Hyun Joong Interview [14.04.07]:

[Media Photo] Kim Hyun Joong Interview [14.04.07]:

[Media Photo] Kim Hyun Joong Interview [14.04.07]:

[Media Photo] Kim Hyun Joong Interview [14.04.07]:

[Media Photo] Kim Hyun Joong Interview [14.04.07]:

[Media Photo] Kim Hyun Joong Interview [14.04.07]:

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Старый 07.04.2014, 13:51   #3414
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А теперь самое заморочное и интересное. Интервью... Т.к. пока в сети переводят в основном меленькими кусочками, то они несколько обрывочны и беспорядочны.

Не судите строго мой перевод, старалась как могла....

планы на будущее:

Как уже писали вчера призывается в следующем году, "Я не боюсь".

В июне планирует свой камбэк.

С 28 июня планирует начать мировой тур начиная с Кореи. Страны для тура еще не все подтвердились, но, кажется, их будет довольно много.

Данный альбом будет последним его альбомом в качестве танцующего певца. (косточки решил поберечь что ли? )

Не планирует больше участвовать в шоу в качестве постоянного участника. Согласился на участие в Босоногих только из-за KHD

После армии он не хочет быть слишком активен как певец, и уменьшить масштаб своего присутствия как исполнителя.

Возможно альбом, который выйдет в этом году будет последним. После 30 планирует выйти за пределы музыки/попробовать себя вне музыки. (Лида не зарекайся, не верю, что так просто сможешь отказаться)

по Эпохе и актерству:

Съемки были тяжелые. Временами я работал стиснув зубы и, думая: " это моя последняя актерская работа"

Я еще не осознал, что съемки Эпохи закончились. Я очень погрузился в характер Чжон Тэ и отпустить это не так-то легко. Мне действительно нравится Чжон Тэ, я был одержим.

До сих пор кажется, что сейчас я на улицах Пансамптона.

Был настолько погружен в съемки, что даже ночью ему снились Шиничи и Ван Бэк Сан

Немного огорчен, что больше всего люди оценили его слезы и рыданья, ведь для сцен злости, радости и прочих было приложено не меньше усилий.

- Получил больше всего помощи и советов по актерству от Jo Dal Hwan хена ( актера игравшего Пунг Ча).

Пэ Ен Чжун следил за мной каждый день на съемках. сразу же после съемок последнего эпизода он прислал мне сообщение: "Ты справился хорошо. Я счастлив, что ты стал гораздо лучше"

о женщинах и актрисах Эпохи:

Мне нравятся женщины типа Он Нен, который похожи на "puppy" (моя в шоке) Обычно я чувствую себя запуганным рядом с женщинами, которые слишком сильны.

Раньше я встречался с женщинами, которые в первую очередь нравятся мне, однако после Эпохи, мое мнение несколько изменилось.....

Мне нравится Он Нен в Эпохе, которая смотрит только на меня и хорошо ко мне относится. Почему она не должна нравится. (о, махровый собственник заговорил, теперь все ясно)

Се Юн милая, однако ему нравится личность/индивидуальность Су Хян. (одна я вижу некие противоречия в его высказываниях?)

Во время съемок сцены объятий с Он Нен, я ошибочно назвал ее Гая. Дубль был испорчен, атмосфера тоже. Я был смущен и извинился перед JSY я с него валяюсь, Лида это подсознание тебе кричит

обо всем:

После окончания съемок планирует отдохнуть на Чеджу вместе с Пэ Ен Чжуном. Понырять и покататься на велосипедах. Научить Ен Саму дайвингу.

придя поесть с кафешку, был признан пьяненькими дедечками, который выразили свою поддержку ему

Намекая на будущий альбом, говорит о том, что хочет качаться и играть вместе с этой музыкой. (девушки, готовимся к новому образу )

Сказал, что хочет выучить английский язык, т.к. он требуется все чаще, однако говорит, что не имеет так много мозгов для изучения языка.......

На вопрос, хотел бы сыграть в иностранных фильмах ответит "нет".
Он не хочет, т.к. тогда его голос/речь придется дублироваться, а это значит дополнительные расходы на рабочие места (какой-то мутный перевод этой части)
Тем более, не понимая языка на котором снимается дорама, играть в ней будет сложно.

по поводу ss501:

В сети ожидаемо пошла волна. Но вроде бы И Хенеция и Трипл Эс на это раз спокойно и мирно встали стеной. недовольство идет от сторонних лиц.

Как написала одна из фанаток по поводу этого комментария: иногда я ненавижу честность Хен Чжуна.

"I think it was good for us to leave while still receiving the love of many. I don't believe we disbanded but considering the current circumstances, we're under different agencies so not only are we not able to use the name SS501 but we're not ready for it either.

Of course, I know there are certain groups who have gotten back together and gone on tours and held concerts but for me, I don't want to use our past memories that I cherish for commercial reasons. I think we should only do something together when we all want it and are ready. I don't want to change our good memories into something fake.

When I meet the other members, we talk about how we should work hard in our respective fields and maybe in the future, when the opportunity comes up, let's do whatever it is we want to do with the people we want to do it with. All we have to do is sing, isn't it? Honestly, we don't have the confidence to be SS501 again. We're open enough with each other to say things like that now."

Article: [Interview] Kim Hyun Joong, "SS501 reunification? I honestly don't have the confidence for it"

Source: Star Today via Nate

Credit: @AlienPrinceKHJ + @Cheezeemelt501+@wangziqi
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Старый 07.04.2014, 17:02   #3415
Olga Dal
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Лена!!!! кормилица ты наша!!!!!! столько Рафаэляяяяя!!!!! ааааа! обалдеть!!!
как ты все это дотащила???
на первых двух фотосетах у него на рубашке такая странная инопланетная чебурашка! не знаешь, куда глядеть? как будто чужой проглядывает из пуза, только не такой чужой как в фильме, а какой-то потусторонний!!! очень странное сочетание. как будто это его вторая(третья, седьмая, двенадцатая) сущность. вот вроде он здесь с нами, а вот там он где-то в потустороннем 4D мире.
ну и на третьем фотосете рубашка с красными кубиками цвета свежего мяса после всех мордобитий кровавых в Эпохе тоже как-то так смотрится, даже не знаю что и сказать.
а сам Лидочка - глаз не оторвать! только все равно видно, что не отошел еще от проекта. сколько у мальчика дней есть на отдых, интересно? покушать бы ему спокойно, чтобы фанаты в рот не заглядывали. поспать по-человечески, чтобы встал утром, вышел на крылечко потянуться, а тебе вспышкой в лицо не светили.
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Старый 07.04.2014, 18:26   #3416
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Совсем парня замучили - фотки ужасны: улыбки мало, и та вымученная, грим толком не прячет ни синяков, ни ссадин (костяшки меня вообще убили, без слёз не взглянешь), позы напряжённые, привычного огонька нет Действительно, дайте ему выспаться/поесть/отдохнуть пару недель, а потом уже фотографировали бы. Совсем же тень только от него и осталась
Про "брошу музыку и перестану плясать" мы уже слышали, и не раз. Я бы не обращала внимания на эти его провокации
Про женщин и актрис - пф, типичные его комплименты партнёршам. Чтобы бегала за ним, как щеночек, и в рот заглядывала? Ну этой мечтой многие мужчины страдают, если не все))) С очередного раунда "назвал девушку чужим именем" проржалась - Лида, ну ты как всегда
По поводу инглиша - радость моя, тебе просто нужен терпеливый репетитор. Обращайся, ежели что
Даблы... Да, честностью Рафаэля убивать можно, что правда, то правда. Впрочем, и опять он ничего нового не сказал. Поживём-увидим
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Старый 07.04.2014, 21:28   #3417
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[Article] Kim Hyun Joong discusses his buddies Yoochun & T.O.P's acting
ничего, если я стыренными переводами поделюсь?
Лида хвалит Ючона и не только:

Ким Хенджун: «Ючон очень сердечный и чувствительный человек, он не оставляет иного выбора, кроме как играть хорошо»

Певец и актер Ким Хенджун упомянул в интервью своих близких коллег по цеху: мембера JYJ Пак Ючона и участника Big Bang T.O.P-а (Чхве Сынхён).

В интервью TV Daily 4 апреля, проходившем в Самчхон, через день после выхода последней серии дорамы «Эпоха чувств» Хенджун упомянул коллег при ответе на вопрос: «Говорите ли вы о работе актера и айдола с кем-то из ваших знакомых?»
Хенджун ответил: «Думаю, успешными примерами того, как айдол становится актером, могут послужить Ючон-и и Сынхён-и. Я пытался дозвониться до Сынхён-и, чтобы пожелать ему удачи и упорно трудиться в дораме «Цветы зла 2» О Ючон-и же я узнаю только посредством сарафанного радио, когда слышу о его сценах драк в новой дораме».
Хёнджун добавил: «Он (Ючон) много общается с режиссером, чтобы проникнуться характером своего героя. Ючон очень сердечный человек, такие люди, как правило, очень эмоциональны. Когда я смотрю на тех, кто хорошо играет, то и мне приходится быть эмоциональным, стареться. Ючон как раз из таких, вдохновляющих людей. Но, если кто-то рядом играет из рук вон, глядя на него думаешь: «Я должен сделать что-то подобное», такие люди просто читают свой текст по сценарию безо всяких эмоций. В этом плане Ючон-и и Сынхён-и очень талантливы», - похвалил коллег актер.
Пак Ючон сейчас снимается в дораме «Три дня», Сынхён в дораме «Цветы зла 2», а Хенджун собирается начать подготовку своего концерта после 2 недель отдыха.
cr TV Daily
Перевод на англ: rilanna of JYJ3
Перевод на рус: JYJ Official team

Ким ХенДжун: «Мне было интересно понаблюдать за Ючоном в жанре экшн»

Ким Хенджун похвалил экшн сцены с участием Ючона.

В недавней встрече в одном из кафе в Самчхо, в Сеуле, актер поделился впечатлениями от просмотра некоторых сцен дорамы SBS «Три дня».
Ким Хенджун признался, что посмотрел несколько эпизодов дорамы «Три дня», которая выходит в одном временном промежутке с его собственной «Эпохой чувств». Хенджун сообщил: «Мне было действительно интересно посмотреть на игру Ючона. Я хотел, если это возможно, открыть для себя что-то новое и чему-то научиться. Конечно, я не могу смотреть все серии, но несколько я видел».
«Сцены боя показались мне несколько сдержанными. Думаю, причина в том, что герой Ючона, Хан ТэкЁн, телохранитель президента и отвечает за безопасность последнего».
И Ючон и Хенджун, как представители айдолов, ставших актерами, в роли Хан ТэкЁна и Син ЧонТэ соответственно, разделили положительные отзывы за исполнение экшн-сцен.
Ким ХенДжун особо подчеркнул, что разница между сценами сражений в «Эпохе чувств» и «Трех днях» именно в умеренности.
«Мне кажется, что в «Эпохе чувств», где речь идет уже об инстинкте выживания, экшн-сцены менее смягчены. В 1930-х люди сражались голыми руками, чтобы выжить. А дораму Ючона я назвал бы современным блокбастером, где многие сцены драк модерируют перед выходом на экраны серии».
cr Star N News
Перевод на англ: rilanna of JYJ3
Перевод на рус: JYJ Official team

эта свальная кровавая баня длиной в 24 серии
вы меня пугаете, дамы! Лида был более сдержан и корректен в своих оценках экшна
кстати, чудесный фанарт, навеянный, если я не ошибаюсь, именно одним из интервью Рафаэля ))

Последний раз редактировалось Jenetschka; 13.08.2014 в 22:14
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Старый 08.04.2014, 13:49   #3418
Аватар для Leyna
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Утра всем. А у нас продолжается марафон со статьями Рафаэля.

Пока закидываю на английском.

[Article] Kim Hyun Joong "enters the world tour on June":

Kim Hyun Joong "enters the world tour on June"

Kim Hyun Joong, who has been formerly recognize as the actor through 'Inspiring Generation', goes for the world tour, starting from Korea on coming June. Having successfully ended KBS 2TV 'Inspiring Generation' in which he played the leading role, is soon to release new album and meet fans from worldwide.

On the day the broadcast of drama ended, Kim Hyun Joong claimed "I will be entering the world tour starting from Korea, on coming June 28th. He continued, "the visited countries are not yet determined, but I think there will be many of them. New album will be also released before the tour", and increased expectation. It's been first time for Kim Hyun-Joong to release solo album since 2013 July. He particularly suggested the hint about the new music:"I want to be engaged with music in which I can have fun, so that it goes along with World Cup. He said, "I should enjoy the coming World Cup with chicken and beer. I am going to prepare the album that one can have fun with, which is suitable to the atmosphere of World Cup. I don't want to care about chart ranking, but about the song that the feelings for Korea's victory can be united in one place. I will make the pleasant song that I can enjoy with fans, not on the broadcast, but in the city hall complex. But I am not aiming for the 'World Cup specialization'. (laughter)"
[Article] Kim Hyun Joong does not want to take up drama offers for the sake of money:

Over the past years, many Korean actors have advanced their acting career by taking up roles in foreign dramas, such as by acting in Chinese and Taiwanese dramas. By doing so, not only do they get paid almost triple of their standard fees in Korea, the actors are also able to get more fame by expending their fan base in other countries.

With a successful acting in ‘Inspiring Generation’, Kim Hyun Joong was asked during interview if he would like to advance his career by acting in foreign dramas.

To this, Kim Hyun Joong rejected the idea and said that these kind of dramas always have voice dubbing and it will be problematic when he doesn’t even know the language what he is speaking.

“Although more popularity will be gained but I don’t want to do things just for the money”, says Kim Hyun Joong.

He also revealed that he does have plans to learn another language, “It will not be Chinese or Japanese, I will learn English as it is needed more often. However, I really don’t have a good brain for languages”.
Credit: starhallyu.com
[Interview] Kim Hyun Joong compares his action scenes with Park Yu Chun's action scenes:

Kim Hyun Joong highly complimented Park Yu Chun's acting in 'Three Days'.

Kim Hyun Joong recently had an interview at a café that is located in Samcheong-dong Seoul, and talked about the action scenes that he showed in KBS 2TV drama 'Inspiring Generation' and actions that Park Yu Chun is showing in SBS drama 'Three Days'

Kim Hyun Joong told that he watched 'Three Days,' and said "I was very curious about Yu Chun's acting, because I learn many things while watching others I did not watch every single episode, but I saw a few"

He went on, "I watched his action scenes and I could feel a huge sense of moderation in his actions. That might be because Yu Chun is casting as a professional bodyguard and I casted as a gangster."

Kim Hyun Joong and Park Yu Chun both debuted as idol stars first and they are each casting in 'Inspiring Generation' and 'Three Days' as Shin Jung Tae and Han Tae Kyung.

While talking about the difference between his action scenes and Park Yu Chun's action scenes he told that the biggest difference is the sense of moderation.

He said "Actions in 'Inspiring Generation' are fights for survival. Bare fists were the only weapons that gangs of 1930's had On the other hand, 'Three Days' is a much modern drama"

As the reporter asked him what BigBang's TOP, who is a well known friend of Kim Hyun Joong said, he said "We don't talk much about our works. We just talk about where to drink and when we get to drink together, we don't talk as much We just keep drinking. Both of us aren't as talkative and I don't think that we are even interested in each other's works."

Kim Hyun Joong went on "I think TOP started shooting a new film recently, and I hope the film would become a big hit"

Meanwhile, Kim Hyun Joong will start getting ready for his next work after taking a bit of break
Credit: en.hikpop.com
[Trans] Kim Hyun Joong Interview:

Kim Hyun Joong, A Man With Surprises

Q: It's a tough journey. How do you feel about 'Inspiring Generation' for the past 3 months?

Kim Hyun Joong: The 3 months was as if one year. (laughs) 'Inspiring Generation' started its production since June last year. I was (always)contemplating how should I bring out the character of 'Shin Jeong-tae' throughout the 10 months. Although there were tough times during the timing, it ended perfectly thanks to the love and supports from the viewers.


Q: There were quite a few characters that left a deep impression. How did you able to adapt to that?

Kim Hyun Joong: Every scene was shot with 100% effort. The best was given for every moment/shots. If I couldn't receive a positive approval, I will accept the fact that I might not have done enough yet.


Q: There were concerns on the comparison between you and the top actors, but your crying scenes in the early-mid part of the drama have wiped out the concerns.

Kim Hyun Joong: I did cry a lot during the crying scenes, but it’s a little pity if the focus of acting skills was only zooming into those scenes. In fact, a lot of emotions that were as much as crying scenes, were put into angry scenes, funny scenes and even sad scenes. It was up to the point that I contemplated on how should I hold a spoon during acting. I’ve always tried my best to imagine the scenario whenever I received the script. When I looked at the father’s (Shin Yeong-chul) picture, I imagined how his life and actions would be. I’ve also tried to imagine the little habits that Chung-ah have when looking at her picture, and even tried the speech intonation I (as Shin Jeong-tae) when speaking to her. Perhaps I was always thinking about all these, I even dreamed about ‘Inspiring Generation’. When I was napping for around 2-3 hours, I dreamed about Shin I-chi and Wang Baek-san chasing after me. (laughs) Then I realised ‘I’ve really fallen for IG’.


Q: Have you ever thought you could erase the clear image you’ve got in the long run from KBS2 ‘Boys Over Flower’ through ‘Inspiring Generation’?

Kim Hyun Joong: I’ve never thought of breaking the ‘flower boy’ image. The ‘image’ choice belongs to the viewers, isn’t it? However I think there is a limitation in which acting skills can reach in romantic comedy genre. It was one of the reason why I chose a more manly period drama so I make a turning point through my acting skills. As much as the preparation was done, in order to express the right emotions of the characters, I think it’s best to choose the right character (first that suits yourself).

Q: There were positive feedbacks on your acting skills, including your action scenes. It wasn’t easy to try action scenes for the first time.

Kim Hyun Joong: I attended action schools for a few days, but I haven’t practiced a lot. I learned martial acting and there’s a line that I can still remember very well, ‘Action is not about synchronicity, it’s emotions’. It feels a whole lot different when you were fighting against a stranger and someone you loved. The latter one consists of a more complex actions and emotions. ‘Inspiring Generation’ have changed a big part of my mindset on martial acting.


Q: Are you personally satisfied with the production this time? Have you gained any meaningful experiences?

Kim Hyun Joong: The feedbacks were more than what I was expecting. But I think it could have been better. I will not stop here nor will I choose to act a character that is similar to ‘Shin Jeong-tae’. Instead, I will show something that is beyond what I have achieved now. Since there is no endpoint to martial arts, I will continue and show something different in the future.

Q: From the change of scriptwriter and the production cost scandal, it was quite an interference to the broadcast of ‘Inspiring Generation’. Were you affected by it?

Kim Hyun Joong: I had a hard time too but I did not have any dissatisfaction about it since I was one of the lead cast, I have to continue with the filming. I have to prepare to bring out the best for the scene even if I have no more than 5 minutes to memorise the script. So I wasn’t really affected by changing of the scriptwriter. A part of me had become one with ‘Shin Jeong-tae’, so almost everything I do was to bring the best of the character. Besides, there was a good collaboration between the casts. To be able to make a production up to this standard under such condition, the casts deserve large credits. Everyone were able to focus, no matter during filming or off filming.


Q: Although it was said after filming, ‘Although it was a 150million KRW mass production, the viewerships ratings were just so-so’. And ‘Inspiring Generation’ was highly anticipated by outsiders from the start. It’s another task for you to shake off this burden.

Kim Hyun Joong: I don’t know how I should say this, but I did not feel any burden. When it comes to ‘Kim Hyun-Joong’, it’s surely thrilling & nervous. However I was ‘Shin Jeong-tae’, not ‘Kim Hyun-Joong’ in ‘Inspiring Generation’. It was also a reason why tears fell naturally when Jeong Jae-hwa (Kim Seong-oh) and the Bangsamtong’s people kneeled before me. Rather than feeling stressed towards the expectations for the drama, I felt sorry for the people together with me whom I cannot protect. Whether it’s the cast or the factors beyond the production.

Q: You have experience in acting from modern drama to period drama throughout your short acting journey. What do you think that matches you between the two?

Kim Hyun Joong: To be honest, it was hard filming for a period drama. (laughs) Because we had to play a lot with the intonation and moves. It was hard to express your emotions in a limited area. On the other hand, if I were to point out a good point about period drama, it’s going to be ‘stepping into the past through acting’. If ‘time machine’ really does exist, wouldn’t it be ‘period drama’? The historical sentiments, culture and incidents that I wanted to feel so real. I’ve felt/learned a lot of things from ‘Inspiring Generation’. For example, ‘So 1930 era was such a depressing era’, ‘The only way to protect your family was only through fighting’, ‘Without handphones (text messages), there’s no misunderstanding’. (laughs)


Q: The steady fandom since your days as a singer idol seemed to have become more solid while you were engaged in both activities. Have you have any thoughts of expanding your acting career overseas?

Kim Hyun Joong: I don’t know, honestly. Even with dubbings and subtitles, I think there ought to have problems if I’m filming just because of my popularity, using a language I do not know. No matter what, I do not want to do it just because of the money value. I’m the type whom I will not do anything that I am not confident in. Although I wanted to learn foreign language, but it’ll not be Japanese or Chinese. It’s likely to be English since it’s a more widely used language. I’m not a person who can absorb a variety of languages well. (laughs)


Q: Then what do you think about ‘actor Lee Byung-hun’? He’s one of the very few Korean stars who officially entered Hollywood.

Kim Hyun Joong: Ah, I really respected him. If you watched his acting, it seemed as if he’s a native(English) speaking in mother tongue language. An acting skills whom he did research on the proper language pronunciation alongside with the sentiments it brings along. If I’m going to do this, I wanted to do it like that as well.


Q: You are a singer and actor to the public at the same time. Especially there are sayings that ‘There’s a lot of burden as an actor’. So how did you manage to balance between the two?

Kim Hyun Joong: There are ups and downs for both singer and actor. Although I didn’t want to be outstanding on one career over another. (laughs) Rather than choosing what I should be doing, a lot more thoughts are need to be given when running the both activities at the same time. As I’m thinking about ‘Why can’t an idol-turned actor received appraisals for their acting skills?’, I came down with the conclusion that viewers weren’t expecting much about their acting skills, aside from the ‘misleading’ image they have (as an idol). No matter on which side, I think more time is needed to be given for viewers to forget about the image. So I think I’m going on a tour as a singer for a while.


Q: You made your first turning point via ‘Inspiring Generation’. And you have also reached the ‘important age’ of an actor. Have you got any plans ahead?

Kim Hyun Joong: I want to try a beautiful melodrama as an actor. For a romantic comedy, it’s ‘Wherever there’s wind, I’m able to go travel freely’ (Kim Hyun-joong used his famous line from Boys Over Flowers and said ‘Isn’t that line referring to a kite?’. But for this famous quote, I don’t think it’s still usable in the next century. (laughs) Just like the previous quote, there are many lines that do not quite make sense. Since melodramas are more related to our daily lives, I want to focus more on that.


Q: What do you think as a man who reached 29 this year.There are many things you should think of now.

Kim Hyun Joong: I’m planning to enlist next year. To be honest, I’ve postponed the date of enlistment so I’ll make it a memorable one. In other words, before I enlist, I’ve done everything I wish I could do. With no regrets, with no worries. (laughs) Maybe I’m afraid I will forget about it (things he wish to do), so instead of worrying about it, I bring along the the memories of myself (accomplishing the things he wished to do) into the army. After I come back, I’m going to show a more steady acting skills, more band-liked music of different style as compared to now, in order to repay fans. Also displaying a more diverse personality as a public figure, as well as keeping the profile as low as possible. *laughs* (P/S: meaning less public criticism and less scandals).

Kim Hyun-Joong - I have no plan to enlist as a celebrity soldier, but I think the system is needed

Kim Hyun-Joong (27) who said he was ‘relieved’ after ‘Inspiring Generation’ ended, indicated he will be holding a concert in the upcoming end of June as well as in the midst of preparing his next album.

Kim Hyun-joong was asked what’s his next plan after ‘Inspiring Generation’ ended, he said, ‘I want to challenge a triathlon’. It was a surprising answer since he had just finished an approximate 6 months (including broadcasting period) of filming for ‘Inspiring Generation’, which was not really an easy task.

‘When people are worked up, their adrenaline level spikes up.’ He, who is 29 this year, described that his soon-to-be-over 20s was a bright one.

‘It was really exciting. I started out as a member of idol group (SS501), but I haven’t really got into any serious relationships. Although there were some cases of privacy intrusion, I have no regrets. Because this was my choice. There are many people who wanted to become a singer or actor. It’s amazing that I could be a celebrity among the many. I feel happy about this.’

Kim Hyun-joong had held his activities as a member of idol group SS501 in 2005. He expressed his views on how the world outside see him as an idol.

‘In Korea, it seems like idols aren’t generally categorised as an artist but in overseas, they are regarded as artists. Although I’m still young, I hope I can spread the culture to the world. I debuted as an idol, but there’s (always) an conception on what an idol should only do. I don’t know why it’s so. But it would be great if the public change that point of view.

Kim Hyun Joong said he is not worry about his 2-years of hiatus as an celebrity after he is enlisted into the army next year.

‘If I said the army’s life is not difficult, I’ll probably be blamed by the army if I said that. However, it’s a fact that I (as a male citizen of ROK) must enter the army to accomplish my duty. The life of a celebrity whenever she/he is not engaged in any activities are insecure. However in the army, I get to eat 3 meals a day and I get to sleep at night.’

Instead of fearing about the army enlistment, Kim Hyun-joong said that he sees the army enlistment as an opportunity to learn something new about the society which he couldn’t experience as a celebrity.

‘I get to learn about people in the army, and it’s an opportunity to learn about the social classes of people in the society. It’s a time opportunity for Kim Hyun-joong to become more mature, and I could possibly learn better acting skills and opportunities from there’.

Kim Hyun-joong revealed his thoughts about the recent rumours about ‘celebrity army’.

‘I have no plans to be enlisted as a celebrity soldier. (this implementation was officially removed on August 1st, 2013). But I do think there is a need for that system as I think even army needs some entertainment sometimes too. I did enough of singing and acting so I don’t think I have plans to become a celebrity army. Since it’s not easy to lead a life as a celebrity, I want to learn something I couldn’t learn as a celebrity inside the army.

After developing a love line in the drama ‘Inspiring Generation’ with Jin Se-yeon and Im Soo-hyang, Kim Hyun-joong changed his viewpoint towards the opposite gender.

‘Previously I have to meet the woman whom I liked. In the drama, Kim Ok-ryeon (played by Jin Se-yeon) was devoted and nice to me. And I liked that since there’s no reason for me to dislike that. Hahaha.’

Kim Hyun-joong revealed his future plans as an actor, ‘I want to be a psycho’. He said his aim for acting skills is not to indulge himself into the character, but to become the character itself.

‘I feel I couldn’t express freely through Inspiring Generation since it’s a period drama. What I’m thinking is that, I want to express myself freely and appropriately through acting. In order to bring out the character as a pyscho, I have to drop my usual daily lifestyles & truly become that person. I want to try something like ‘Ruler of Your Own World’ by Yang Dong-geun.'

English trans: @5StarsAs1
[Trans] Kim Hyun Joong Interview:
[Q: Shin Jung Tae is loved by both Ok Ryeon & Gaya. If it's in real life who will you choose?]
HJ: Ok Ryeon. Gaya is a good person but she's strong (laugh). Seems like I'll be in big trouble if we go out/date. When I was acting, I think a person like Ok Ryeon seems better. With Gaya, I have a love & hate relationship to each other. I don't want a love & hate relationship because it feels scary..

[Q: Do you like that JT didn't end up with Gaya or Ok Ryeon and live alone at the end?]
HJ: I really like it. Because he didn't end up with anyone it felt more bittersweet. Sirasoni (the character he's based on) originally has a very strong image of being lonely and lived a lonely life. Seems like the the character was directed based on the original.

[Q: Sirasoni is a lonely character but what about the person Kim Hyun Joong?]
HJ: I'm never lonely (laugh). I always try to enjoy my life. I like to meet my friends, eat and drink, and meet people. I have a lonely profession but because there are friends I become reassured. When it feels difficult & lonely, people who look after me and help me are my friends.

HJ: Previously I really thought about getting married, but right now I don't have confidence. It's because I really like this job. It's not that I don't like having family, but I don't think I can be devoted to my family since I will always be busy with dramas, singing, and having concerts. Seems like this will be a dilemma at one point.

Before, I thought that I'll be an ahjussi when I reach 30 but lately I don't feel that way. People said that after 30 you'll bloom handsomely. I'm also looking forward to be like that.

[Q: What kind of actor do you want to be?]
HJ: "Rather than being an actor who people will say 'wow, he's cool', when they watch me. I want to hear people say they feel strengthened watching my acting. I want be an actor who can make viewers feel encouraged & comforted."

"I was bold/fierce during my 20s. I was restless at work. I never had a decent relationship. Nevertheless, I lived a happy life."

Credit: @AlienPrinceKHJ+

И небольшие кусочки из разных интервью, целиком пока не переведенных.

Во время съемок Эпохи Хен Чжун спал по 2 часа в день.

Т.к. сценарий выходил вечером в пятницу, обычно читал его в постели. Но съемки дорамы закончились, ему не нужно ничего делать, но не может заснуть до 3 ночи. Странное чувство. Ему было интересно, как у других, и он послал СМС Су Хян, она ответила "Читаю сценарий". Хен Чжун подумал: "Другие чувствуют то же, что и я."

Помимо дайвинга, одно из увлечений Лиды - езда на велосипеде. В прошлом году он проезжал около 80 км в день. Ему нравится чувствовать скорость во время езды.


28 июня 2014 - концерт с Сеуле. Добавлено в официальное расписание.

31 мая 2014 - фанвстреча Эпохи с японскими фанами. Йокогама. Беседа, рассказы "за сценой", небольшое видео, исполнение OSTа.

Место проведения фанвстречи:

credit: inlovewithss501
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Старый 08.04.2014, 18:39   #3419
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Kim Hyun Joong To Hold World Tour In June With A New Album And ‘World Cup Song’!:

"Inspiring Generation" actor Kim Hyun Joong will be kicking off his world tour this June in Korea!

Kim Hyun Joong recently concluded the KBS 2TV drama "Inspiring Generation" successfully, and he's planning to greet his fans with a new album and world tour.
Kim Hyun Joong said, "I'll be starting my world tour on June 28th in Korea. Although the visiting countries have not yet all been confirmed, it looks like there will be quite a lot. Before my world tour I'll also be releasing a new album." This will be Kim Hyun Joong's first solo album since July last year.

He also said, "I want to present music that's worthy of the World Cup," and threw hints about his new music.

"For the upcoming World Cup, I need to celebrate with chicken & beer. And I want to prepare an exciting album that's worthy of the World Cup. Apart from chart ranks, I'm more concerned about creating music that will give you the feeling that Korea is going to win, with music that can gather many hearts in one place. I want to make music that the fans in the audience can enjoy rather than just broadcasts. But I'm not just aiming at the World Cup (laughter)."

Kim Hyun Joong's 2nd drama "Inspiring Generation" came to an end on the 3rd. He played the role of loyal Shin Jung Tae, through which he received high praise for his acting.
He said, "I still cannot believe that the drama has ended. It was a work where I really immersed myself. It's not easy to let go of the character Shin Jung Tae. I've been feeling really down lately."

He continued, "I really liked Shin Jung Tae, and was obsessed. Although it's unrealistic to protect the people you love with your life, but it was warm."

But now it's time to say goodbye to Shin Jung Tae. He should reduce the consumption of such feelings and focus on his own. That's why he's decided to attend a popular music concert all by himself.

"I wanted a diversion, so I went to Nell's concert by myself. However it was such an emotional concert and I returned feeling even more down. I often go alone to concerts. I'm kind of embarrassed that my realest emotions are being shared with others."

He'll also be leaving on a trip to Jeju Island on his time off. He's planning to go scuba diving, which is his hobby, as well as go bike riding. He will be joined by his agency's CEO and senior actor Bae Yong Joon.

"I was planning to leave for vacation alone, but Bae Yong Joon said he'll be coming with me. I want to take this opportunity to teach him how to scuba dive."

Meanwhile, Kim Hyun Joong is also seriously considering his next work. When asked how he would respond if he received an offer for a work of action as a sequel, he answered flatly, "I absolutely won't. My pride won't allow me to do what I've already shown you." He added, "While I'm young I want to show you many faces."

What about a romance like "Boys Over Flowers"? Again he rejected the idea, saying, "For one, I'm not going to be wearing the uniform. And I don't think I can do content like 'Boys Over Flowers' because I'll be too uncomfortable. I want to do something that can appear in a documentary, a possibly true story among ourselves, as an ordinary character," and raised expectations for his next work.
Credit: kpopstarz.com
HJ gave his support on Kim Jae Wook's departure from IG & Jin Se Yeon's controversy:

[HJ gave his support on Kim Jae Wook's departure from IG & Jin Se Yeon's controversy]

"I want to give my support to Kim Jae Wook-ssi. Kim Jae Wook's character 'Kim Soo Ok' was set-up to be an independence fighter, but due to the issue with the drama's export to Japan, they had to remove the sensitive parts so he had to get off unexpectedly.
As an actor who acted together with him, I felt really sad and regretful that a person who came to work hard had to lost his role."

"I also felt really bad for Se Yeon. After the (shooting overlap) controversy, she seemed really self-conscious / insecure on the shooting set. She also couldn't talk well.
I told her, 'No. You're only 22 years old, now is the time to do more. Don't be too concerned and you just need to act your role.'
Her drama appearances don't overlap and I don't think it was a big problem. Also, Se Yeon was committed to her role in the drama but seems like there are many misunderstandings from people."

Credit: @AlienPrinceKHJ
Этих фото еще вроде бы не было:

А Рафаэль уже вовсю ныряет как и собирался.

Комментарии от представителя Scubalife: "HJ's passion for diving is like a bolt of fire."

Тренера по дайвингу: "water temp is quite low so only dived once, HJ's passion for diving is worth learning"

а вот и сам ныряльщик:

Credit: as tagged + @illublue

В интервью Со Чже Рим (Лидер Мо) сказал, что Хен Чжун имеет действительно очень гибкое тело, особенно это заметно во время съемок боевых сцен. Мо в этом не так хорош, однако получается хорошая командная работа с Хен Чжуном.
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Старый 09.04.2014, 02:02   #3420
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INTERVIEW: Kim Hyun Joong reveals his evaluation towards his character in “Inspiring Generation”:

“When somebody watches my performance, I always want to show everybody that I am able to act and perform my portrayals very well.” – Kim Hyun Joong

The KBS2 drama Inspiring Generation just ended last April 3, 2014 with its 24th episode. After the cast bid their last farewell, Kim Hyun Joong was interviewed about how he differentiates his real personality apart from the characters he had portrayed. In addition, Kim Hyun Joong also talks about his thoughts and feeling after the drama ended.

Real point of view and style toward love and relationships

“The main characters in the previous dramas I’ve portrayed were quite different. Shin Jeong Tae in ‘Inspiring Generation’ revealed a very bold and strong character and this actually transformed me from something I haven’t done before. Anyhow, the character Ji Hoo in ‘Boys Over Flowers’ was, without a question, far from the rough, strong and full-of-intense character as Shin Jeong Tae’s. He was actually completely the opposite of Shin Jeong Tae in which gave everybody an unexpected transformation. But then, my style and point of view is not the same as Shin Jeong Tae’s. I don’t feel love as how Shin Jeong Tae did.”

Kim Hyun Joong concluded that his point of view towards love is very different from the character he portrayed as Shin Jeong Tae. He added, “But then, I guess it seemed very realistic when Jeong Tae even devoted his life and fought for the woman he really loves which a person could actually do.”

The actor also put up a comparison on how time and generation built a barrier in expressing emotions and he said,“Back in 1930’s, most people were able to communicate in REAL conversations. They were able to deliver exactly what thoughts and feelings they wanted to imply and there were even less misunderstandings because of that. But nowadays, the generation’s been very apart and people prefer text messaging or virtual conversations which I think break the real meaning of communication. Those kinds of conversations seem to be missing a lot of emotions. Though I am able to talk with different people because of technology such that, I guess it is still much better to talk with people and reveal your feelings personally.”

Acting Transformation Assessment

Kim Hyun Joong worked hard and had gone through stunt trainings, cold and even injuries just to accomplish his tasks and to act out his character perfectly. He was not only transformed physically but as well as his emotional performance which had been very much vivid than his previous dramas.

“Rather than having a formal gathering for the final episode of the drama, the cast, the actors just had a couple of drinks and watched TV together. We felt like we deserve even just a short break or some time to relax after the whole hard work for accomplishing all 24 episodes. But, it didn’t make realize right away that everything was already over. Sometimes I feel like going back and act again just how much I wanted to in singing and dancing on stage.”

Kim Hyun Joong’s major transformation for the drama Inspiring Generation had been very popular and was on trend all over the net and media. The actor admitted, through his agency Keyeast, that he was very comfortable with his transformation though problems still occurred especially with the fighting scenes.

“I always evaluate myself regarding the progress and improvements in my acting. As the drama ended, a lot has asked me what I thought about the role and what future roles I would want to have. I guess I still could still take a similar role such that since I’ve learned so much about it.”

ecrets for a successful and excellent performance

“An actor should mature with a good attitude toward acting and mature enough in coping with the others very well.”

Kim Hyun Joong also revealed that he was also advised to always show sincerity whatever performance he would be into since the viewers are like critics who would always keep an eye with the actors’ every move and keenly observe how they would perform or act.

Kim Hyun Joong shared that an actor also acquires enough knowledge about different portrayals and being able to adjust with every role is very important. Despite what field an actor is from, he said that flexibility is one of the keys to be able to express each character with sincerity.

“Viewers must have thought that portraying a different image was quite difficult. Well, it was but through meeting professional actors and colleagues, it actually helped me adjust to the role or image I needed to deliver. Such actors and performers of my age like TOP of BIGBANG or Park Yoochun of JYJ have also been successful in the field of acting and I have also learned something from them. And whenever people tell me that I was very good at something or I looked cool with I did, I don’t want to think that I am the best.”

Сredit: koreandrama.com
Kim Hyun Joong Special Interview: People in older days were more willing to communicate face-to-face:

примечание переводчика:

note from JUNE:

This pic was one of the few posted along with the translated article
I guess the article was originally from TV daily?
Confused... ^^;;;;

Anyway, my translation not very good (mianhae...)
Limited language ability ;p
And there're parts which I do not understand entirely
But there're may things in his recent interviews that I like
So I shall still try to translate as much as I could
If they are not translated yet ^^

But felt that I need to post warnings that there may be mistakes...
Please feel free to let me know if any translation is off
Which is possible since I'm translating from Chinese translated from Korean

The young man who’d said that he could fly and soar away as long as there're white sail and wind has now grown into a real man, and the title of [Flower Boy] which had followed Kim Hyun Joong for a long time was finally gone, for at this moment he is the manly Shin Jung Tae, who must become the God of Battle as the guardian of his beloved people. He recently accepted an interview with this writer and revealed his feelings on the conclusion of <>.

Kim Hyun Joong acted as the hard-and-fast punching, hot-blooded fighter Shin Jung Tae recently in the KBS 2 TV drama (Wednesday & Thursday) <>. In order to raise money for his sister's surgery, he became a smuggler, and through fights over the years with various masters from Sinuiju, Dandong, Shanghai and other places, gradually became a dominating god of battle. Kim Hyun Joong interpreted Shin Jung Tae’s superb fighting skills and intense gaze fully, and gained praises from the viewers.

<> was plagued with problems during its broadcast, a big production with a 15 billion won budget could actually bear debts, strike by starring actor, replacement in writer and other issues, which led viewers to question if the drama could end its run smoothly. However, the lead actor Kim Hyun Joong was totally unaffected by the interferences from outside, and was wholly immersed in the shooting, eventually dominated the small screen with Shin Jung Tae. [The Re-Discovery of Kim Hyun Joong] aka <> was his greatest gift dedicated to the viewers.

“I was too young when shooting <> and simply had no idea, suddenly received a role and did not know what to do with it at all, but I gave it my best effort then. Looking back it felt like I did not quite qualify as an actor then, I have changed a lot in the way I do things, performing is never-ending, still need to put more effort into it.”

“I squeezed the last drop of my tears, threw myself wholly into the role of Shin Jung Tae, decided to work hard from the outset. Slowly diving into the role I discovered that it’s not simply acting well, but began to understand the character's feelings, I still did not know how to adjust the pace, control my facial expressions etc., so I focused entirely on Shin Jung Tae. Previously I did not believe in total immersion in a role, but I felt that with <>. Even though it may not be a 100% immersion, once I stood in front of the camera I became Shin Jung Tae, my tears would fall automatically, my anger would rise on cue." (think I'm not quite getting this whole part >.<)

"Shin Jung Tae’s life was too tough, and thus I became depressed. The drama was to end on April 3, I felt the need to get a gift for myself, a week before the end I went online and searched [April 3 concert], happened that there was a concert with just one seat left, immediately booked that, and went alone that day to the concert. (T_T why do I feel sad? Sigh... btw it was stated in another interview that he went to Indie rock band 넬 Nell’s concert that day) While watching the concert I felt that the stage is where I should be standing, I saw the light, and thought if I could stand on that stage again to sing and dance, would I still find it fun or not, this led me to have ideas of returning to the stage." (T.T want to see you singing and dancing on stage…. )

In the earlier episodes of <>, Kim Hyun Joong had few lines, many viewers were surprised that the male lead was acting with his fists rather than words. In this regard Kim Hyun Joong said: "I too felt there were few lines, but the director said Shin Jung Tae could not say much, the beginning was for me to accumulate shrewdness, I might not speak but I held on to my ideas, there were more lines later on in a shoot of a meal when I found it easier to invest my feelings, no Richard Simmons with wasted words created more tension."

I (the writer) was curious and asked if he was conscious about his identity as an idol-turned-actor, and thus deliberately avoided romantic drama but chose a more manly <>.

"Indeed, romantic drama seems to have no substance, <> is a period drama, with interpretation of sadness, anger, melancholy, and other emotions, I personally also felt that Shin Jung Tae suited me very well, and hope to try his approach to love. He was dedicated and giving to his girl, willing to guard her with his life, but in real life I'm very realistic, this kind of pure love was only possible in the 1930s. There were no phone and no KAKAO TALK, and it’s an age when people could meet and communicate face-to-face, could personally convey their ideas, so there was few misunderstanding. I am a modern man, who feel less as time passes, so I deliberately do not send text messages, because I’d said a lot when I was acting, only through communication can I improve my acting, and there are lots of communications in <>."

"This time I was working with a lot of seniors, which helped my acting to improve, they could lead me to express my sadness, anger, etc., this is a synergistic effect, enabling one to immerse one self even more. My qualifications was yet shallow when shooting <>, so I watched others’ performance, years later I could recall the tone of that voice, and blend it into my acting. In acting, tone and wordings can be important, but the use of past experience in them is also very important, I'm still young so am not emotionally rich, strongly concurred that acting gets better with age.

Kim Hyun Joong also talked about friends, JYJ member Park Yoo Chun and Big Bang member TOP.

"I think the models for successful transition from idol singers to actors are Park Yoo Chun and TOP. When I gave TOP a call, he told me he’s recently working hard on shooting the movie <>. I only heard some news on Park Yoo Chun, but I know he's very hardworking. (So are you!) They do not rely on just the external images, they really communicate with the director, in order to get into their roles. Park Yoo Chun is usually very warm and gentle, good actors are mostly more sensitive, Park Yoo Chun is like that too. People who did not succeed often just thought "If they do this, I’ll do it too." They just read the lines without feelings. In this regard, Park Yoo Chun and TOP are different.

Finally, Kim Hyun Joong revealed his goals , saying, "I want to hear people who have seen my work say that it gives them courage, rather than 'so handsome', I shall work hard to become an actor who can bring strength and comfort to others."

Interview Source (Chinese): 韓星網 KoreaStarDaily.com
Interview Written by: 樸辰永 Park Yong Chen
Translation: June from LovingKimhyunjoong.com
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